Sendmap20 rev 1.8

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GPSmap Homepage

Fix: Some IMG files were not uploaded correctly to GPS
Fix: Missing options now available: -e, -m, -k

rev 1.8が出てました。

いくつかオプションが追加になっているようです。 sendmap20 -hの結果は、下記の通り。

Sendmap20 rev 1.8 by Stanislaw Kozicki - gps_mapper,
Full list of available parameters for sendmap:
-x new_file.exe copyright_string   create executable (Pro version only)
-c file_name          (only apply when -x is used) file with EULA text
-d ddmmyyyy file_name (only apply when -x is used) set expired date and text
-y new_file.exe    create executable
-l                 create file instead of the upload
-r                 raw data upload
-e                 erase all the maps from GPS / fix corrupted GPS
-f file_name       list of IMG files stored in a text file (one name in a line)
-m map_set_name    set the mapset name visible in the list of maps
-k 25_character_unlock_key